Sebagai seorang manusia, tiada siapa dapat mengelak dari senyum. Senyum itu salah satu aktiviti hidup. Ia perlambangan pada banyak keadaan hidup yang dilalui. Tambahan pula dalam agama senyum dianggap sedekah. Oleh itu, senyum dan terus senyum sebagaimana manusia biasa yang tidak terkecuali daripada mimik-mimik seperti marah, masam, sedih, murung dan tentunya senyum.
Senyum dan ketawa adalah satu bentuk jogging dalaman. Sekali anda senyum atau tertawa, seluruh badan anda turut tersenyum dan tertawa. Anda akan mendapat semangat baru, keceriaan, dan kegembiraan. Senyuman meskipun pura-pura ia meransang seluruh tubuh dan mampu memberi manfaat kepada system saraf otak dan juga hormon.
Senyum menggunakan 17 otot muka berbanding 43 ketika mengerutkan dahi. Maka itulah, kita lihat orang yang mudah senyum kelihatan lebih muda daripada usia mereka. Lebih dari itu, senyum menghasilkan endorphin dalam otak yang mengurangkan kesakitan fizikal.
Cukup banyak faedah dan kelebihan senyum dan juga ketawa. Tidakkah anda tahu, ketawa 100 kali dalam tempoh 24 jam mendapat manfaat kardiovaskular sama seperti bersenam 10 minit. Menurut saintis pula, ketika kita ketawa, sel pembunuh tumor dan virus semula jadi dalam badan akan bertambah selaras dengan pertambahan Gamma-inteferon (protein melawan penyakit), sel T (yang penting untuk sisitem pertahanan badan) dan sel B (yang menghasilkan antibodi melawan penyakit). Senyuman juga mampu merendahkan tekanan darah, menambah kemasukan oksigen dalam darah dan ini secara tidak langsung merangsang proses penyembuhan.
Senyuman yang diakhiri dengan ketawa mengaktifkan kimia badan dan secara tidak langsung merendahkan risiko penyakit jantung, tekanan darah tinggi, strok, atritis dan ulser. Ia juga senaman yang baik kerana membabitkan diafragma, abdomen, system pernafasan, muka, kaki dan otot belakang badan. Ketawa ‘mengurut’ organ dalam abdomen dan menguatkan otot abdomen, merangsang kedua-dua belah otak. Ketawa juga boleh membakar kalori sebagaimana kita bersenam.
Senyum mampu menjadi penawar pada penyakit yang kronik. Senyum tidak perlu modal, hanya sekelumit rasa ikhlas, pasti menarik. Senyuman tetap baik untuk sesiapa saja termasuk diri yang memberikan senyuman itu. Kesimpulannya, teruskanlah senyuman anda kerana senyuman adalah rahsia awet muda.
Sekian, terima kasih…
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Kisah kawan aku..Amir..
Buat renungan kita sume...
Name aku Amir.. Aku de sorg awek.. Sorg??? huhu.. Awek aku ni mmg lawa giler r!! Sbb die lawa tu r aku ngn membe2 aku berebut.. Nasib aku baik la, aku dpt jugak die....memandangkan aku ni pun kategori org yg handsome.. hahaha..
OOPS! lupe! Name awek aku ni Nadia.. Kitorg x same kampung tp satu sekolah.. Satu hari ni aku dpt twrn smbung blajar kt satu IPTA ni.. Awek aku pn dpt.. Alhamdulillah result SPM kitorg cemerlang walaupun aku pun x percaye boleh dpt 7A.. Hahaha.. Tp mmg giler r.. Walaupun kos yg ditawarkn same, tp aku terlambung kt utara n die lak kt Selatan..
Die ni kuat jeles tu jgn ckp laa.. hidup aku dia yg aturkan.. selama aku satu sekolah dulu, jgn hrp la aku nk kuwa ngn membe2 perempuan aku.. Jgnkn kuwa same, pndg pun x boleh.. Kdg2 aku rimas jugak ngn die.. T aku ckp byk ngn die, mau die marah2 then merajuk.. Benci tul aku.. Aku tau die sygggg sgt2 kt aku. Aku tau die mmg x lyn mane2 lelaki yg cube usyar line die.. Kdg2 aku bengang jugak if ade lelaki yg hntr2 msj kt die walaupun die x reply..
Tp sebenarnye aku ade sorokkan sumthing drp die.. Disebabkan kitorg pun da terpisah jauh, aku mule la nk test market kt utara ni.. Jahatkn? Aku rase bebas!!! Aku pn rase die mcm tu jgk kot.. Yelah, die kn lawa.. Msti r ramai jantan usyar die.. Disebabkan aku nk menutup perasaan prasangka yg buruk2 tu, aku mula r berkawan ngn ramai perempuan kat sini.. Setiap kali org tanye status aku, mesti aku jwb aku single.. Aku selalu kuwa ngn member2 perempuan aku kat sini.. Mmg lagak cm org single.. Aku selalu teringatkan die time aku tgh berfoya2.. Bile wktu mlm sebelum tidur, msti die yg call aku.. Aku? Kdg2 kot.. Tp aku syg sgt kt die.. Aku ckp kt die, membe2 aku kt sini semuanye jantan.. Die ckp die pun same.. Sebelum kitorg end call mst die cerita2 kenangan kami bersama.. Die selalu ckp, "kalau sy da x de baru awk leh gatal dgn perempuan lain".. Kdg2 aku mrh die sbb die ckp yg bukan2 walaupun hakikatnya aku mmg da menggatal da pun.. Kdg2 aku selalu jgk create pergaduhan ngn die.. byk kali die nangis time gaduh2 ngn aku.. pernah tu aku tertengking dia.. kesian die.........
Tibe2 aku terkejut drp lamunan.. Rupa2nye member perempuan aku, Tiqah.. Aku pn dgn bangang aku terima..
Mase duit PTPTN kuwa, aku beli sebijik henpon lg. Satu henpon khas tok msj Nadia, satu g utk Tiqah.. Dlm tempoh aku belajar kt sini, mcm2 tipu aku wat.. Aku tipu dua2 perempuan tu.. Tp hati aku tetap sygkn Nadia.. Mungkin sbb jauh, perasaan tu kdg2 bercampur.. Tiqah pn mcm Nadia.. Sejak aku couple ngn minah ni, aku dah x kuwa ngn member2 perempuan lain.. semuanya kembali mcm mase aku ngan Nadia dulu.. Aku terasa bersalah sgt.. Tp dlm mase yg same aku just nk hilangkan perasaan bosan sorg2 kat sini.. "Kalau la Nadia tau.." Kdg2 aku terfikir nk berterus-terang.. Tp aku x berani.. Kalau dulu aku tidur pukul 1.30, sekarang ni pkul 3.30 kdg2 pkul 4.. Yelah sbb nk gayut dgn dua2.. Semua org x tahu siapa aku sebenarnya walaupun roomate aku sendiri.. Setiap kali aku balik kampung, Nadia x balik.. Yelah.. U dgn sekolah mane same.. Cuti lain2.. Cume ade sekali tu kitorg dpt cuti same2.. Cuti raye kn.. Time aku jumpa ngn Nadia, aku sorokkan henpon satu lg tu kat rumah.. Nadia makin lawa! Berseri2.. Mane2 lelaki tgok gerenti r cair ni.. Nadia ckp cinta die hanya utk aku.. Selama die berpisah dgn aku, die semakin rindu, semakin syg n cintakn aku.. Utk hilang rase camtu, die habiskan mase dgn belajar.. Kdg2 die ckp belajar smpai tau2 da mlm.. Die happy sbb hati aku masih x berubah utk dia sorang.. ERR! aku terasa bersalah sgt.. "Kalau sy da x de, baru awk leh gatal dgn perempuan len tau!" ckp die sambil tergelak2.. Perkataan tu da berjuta kali kot die sebut.. Aku tgok muke die yg lembut tu.. Die bersuara, kalau habis belajar, die nk aku ikat die sebagai tunang.. Pastu die nk kami kerja, kumpul duit byk2 n kahwin then sambung belajar lg.. Beria2 die menceritakan impian die kt aku...
Permainan aku berlarutan sehingga sem yg ke 4...
Pada satu hari ni aku g makan ngn Tiqah mcm biasa... Heboh kampus aku jd tuan rumah untuk satu pertandingan perbahasan antara IPTA. Kebetulan hari ni ulangtahun ke 3 aku ngan Nadia.. Mcm biase aku g mkn ngn Tiqah kt cafe.. Mase Tiqah tgh ambil lauk, aku terniat hati nk cek msj die.. Terhenti jantung aku, berlambak2 msj sorang jantan yg bersayang2 kt inbox dia.. Aku pn angin r.. Mase Tiqah duduk, aku soal2 dia smpai menangis minah tu.. Sebelum ni x terniat pulak aku nk cek.. Tiqah ckp die ttp sygkn aku.. Aku pun mula terfikirkn Nadia.. Tibe2 ade sekumpulan awek dtg kat meja aku time2 gini la pulak.. X lame pastu aku nmpk Nadia.. Aku menelan air liur.. Rupe2nye, Nadia ambil bahagian dalam pertandingan tu.. Bila Tiqah nmpk ramai2 awek tu dtg kt aku, pelik r die.. N dgn kuasa Allah, semua terbongkar pada saat tu.. N Tiqah sendiri mengaku yg dielah awek aku kt depan Nadia.. Aku tgok Nadia menangis.. Die x bercakap sepatah haram perkataan pun.. Cume die berikan aku sekotak hadiah ulangtahun kami sebelum dia tinggalkn aku.. Aku terus putuskan hubungan aku ngn Tiqah.. Mase aku balik hostel, puas aku call Nadia.. Aku hntr msj berlambak2 kt die.. die x reply pn... Aku sedar, die dah benci aku..
Rupanya Nadia masih menerima aku.. Aku happy sgt2.. Aku berjanji x nk kecewakn die lg.. 2 minggu kejadian itu berlalu.. Org2 sekeliling aku mula menjauhkan diri daripada aku.. Nk2 yg member2 perempuan aku la.. Aku dah x kesah da.. Aku dah berubah.. Aku cuma nk dapatkn keputusan yg cemerlang sampai time akhir sem nanti. Aku nk dptkn kerja baik2.. Apa2 pun aku nk ikat Nadia dulu.. Kdg2 aku berasa malu sgt kt Nadia nk2 bila teringatkn mak ayah dia.. Nasib baik die x pergi report kat mak n ayah dia.. hehe.. Dlm tgh syok2 berangan sambil membelek2 kemeja baru hadiah ulangtahun daripadanya mase hari kejadian tu, tibe2 aku dpt msj drpd member Nadia.. "Nadia eksiden!" Ermm.. Hati aku tibe2 jd x sedap.. Msj kedua drp member die smpai lg.. Terasa panas muka aku bile bace msj tu.. "Nadia da X DE.. Die kne langgar ngan kereta mase lintas jln.." Mcm org gila pas aku bace msj tu.. Aku ambil keputusan balik kejap kampung walaupun terpaksa ponteng kelas..
Aku rase kosong.. Kosong sgt.. Teringat gelak tawa die, teringat suara die, muke die yg lawa tu.. Aku menangis dlm bas.. Aku x peduli ngn org2 yg pndg aku.. Kali ni aku betul2 menyalahkan diri aku.. Semua kenangan aku ngan Nadia bermain dlm kepala aku.. Aku xmampu menahan perasaan sedih ni.. Berulang kali aku bace msj terakhir Nadia mlm td.. "Awk, sy nk tido.. Mcm biase, sy sygkn awk utk selamanye walaupun awk da lukekn ati sy, sy maafkn... Tp ingat! Kalau sy x de baru awk leh gatal ngn perempuan len tau! Hehe.. Nk mrh la tu.. Sy leb awk! Sweet dreamz.." Ya Allah! Kuatkn hatiku ni.. Semasa aku sampai, jenazahnya belum tiba lagi.. Ye.. Aku pun terus mencoretkan kisah ini.. Semoga menjadi pengajaran kt korang.. Air mata aku berguguran sepanjang mencoretkan kisah ni.. Tapi aku tau, Nadia x kn kembali da.. X de lg msj Nadia, panggilan Nadia.. X de dah ungkapan "kalau sy x de" tu dah..
Teman2.. Aku mintak sedekahkanlah fatihah utk nya.. Mungkin ada yg memperlekehkn kisah aku ni.. Tp bg aku, inilah kisah yg plg bermakna utk aku.. Utk selamanya aku menyayangi kau, Nurul Nadia bt Zainarruddin..
Mungkin kejap lagi jenazahnya tiba.. Aku nk bersiap2 utk beri penghormatan terakhir buat die yg aku sygi.. Sememangnya cinta die utk aku shgga akhir nafasnya... Aku mampu merelakan pemergiannya... Tabahkn hatiku Ya Allah.... -Al Fatihah.....
Name aku Amir.. Aku de sorg awek.. Sorg??? huhu.. Awek aku ni mmg lawa giler r!! Sbb die lawa tu r aku ngn membe2 aku berebut.. Nasib aku baik la, aku dpt jugak die....memandangkan aku ni pun kategori org yg handsome.. hahaha..
OOPS! lupe! Name awek aku ni Nadia.. Kitorg x same kampung tp satu sekolah.. Satu hari ni aku dpt twrn smbung blajar kt satu IPTA ni.. Awek aku pn dpt.. Alhamdulillah result SPM kitorg cemerlang walaupun aku pun x percaye boleh dpt 7A.. Hahaha.. Tp mmg giler r.. Walaupun kos yg ditawarkn same, tp aku terlambung kt utara n die lak kt Selatan..
Die ni kuat jeles tu jgn ckp laa.. hidup aku dia yg aturkan.. selama aku satu sekolah dulu, jgn hrp la aku nk kuwa ngn membe2 perempuan aku.. Jgnkn kuwa same, pndg pun x boleh.. Kdg2 aku rimas jugak ngn die.. T aku ckp byk ngn die, mau die marah2 then merajuk.. Benci tul aku.. Aku tau die sygggg sgt2 kt aku. Aku tau die mmg x lyn mane2 lelaki yg cube usyar line die.. Kdg2 aku bengang jugak if ade lelaki yg hntr2 msj kt die walaupun die x reply..
Tp sebenarnye aku ade sorokkan sumthing drp die.. Disebabkan kitorg pun da terpisah jauh, aku mule la nk test market kt utara ni.. Jahatkn? Aku rase bebas!!! Aku pn rase die mcm tu jgk kot.. Yelah, die kn lawa.. Msti r ramai jantan usyar die.. Disebabkan aku nk menutup perasaan prasangka yg buruk2 tu, aku mula r berkawan ngn ramai perempuan kat sini.. Setiap kali org tanye status aku, mesti aku jwb aku single.. Aku selalu kuwa ngn member2 perempuan aku kat sini.. Mmg lagak cm org single.. Aku selalu teringatkan die time aku tgh berfoya2.. Bile wktu mlm sebelum tidur, msti die yg call aku.. Aku? Kdg2 kot.. Tp aku syg sgt kt die.. Aku ckp kt die, membe2 aku kt sini semuanye jantan.. Die ckp die pun same.. Sebelum kitorg end call mst die cerita2 kenangan kami bersama.. Die selalu ckp, "kalau sy da x de baru awk leh gatal dgn perempuan lain".. Kdg2 aku mrh die sbb die ckp yg bukan2 walaupun hakikatnya aku mmg da menggatal da pun.. Kdg2 aku selalu jgk create pergaduhan ngn die.. byk kali die nangis time gaduh2 ngn aku.. pernah tu aku tertengking dia.. kesian die.........
Tibe2 aku terkejut drp lamunan.. Rupa2nye member perempuan aku, Tiqah.. Aku pn dgn bangang aku terima..
Mase duit PTPTN kuwa, aku beli sebijik henpon lg. Satu henpon khas tok msj Nadia, satu g utk Tiqah.. Dlm tempoh aku belajar kt sini, mcm2 tipu aku wat.. Aku tipu dua2 perempuan tu.. Tp hati aku tetap sygkn Nadia.. Mungkin sbb jauh, perasaan tu kdg2 bercampur.. Tiqah pn mcm Nadia.. Sejak aku couple ngn minah ni, aku dah x kuwa ngn member2 perempuan lain.. semuanya kembali mcm mase aku ngan Nadia dulu.. Aku terasa bersalah sgt.. Tp dlm mase yg same aku just nk hilangkan perasaan bosan sorg2 kat sini.. "Kalau la Nadia tau.." Kdg2 aku terfikir nk berterus-terang.. Tp aku x berani.. Kalau dulu aku tidur pukul 1.30, sekarang ni pkul 3.30 kdg2 pkul 4.. Yelah sbb nk gayut dgn dua2.. Semua org x tahu siapa aku sebenarnya walaupun roomate aku sendiri.. Setiap kali aku balik kampung, Nadia x balik.. Yelah.. U dgn sekolah mane same.. Cuti lain2.. Cume ade sekali tu kitorg dpt cuti same2.. Cuti raye kn.. Time aku jumpa ngn Nadia, aku sorokkan henpon satu lg tu kat rumah.. Nadia makin lawa! Berseri2.. Mane2 lelaki tgok gerenti r cair ni.. Nadia ckp cinta die hanya utk aku.. Selama die berpisah dgn aku, die semakin rindu, semakin syg n cintakn aku.. Utk hilang rase camtu, die habiskan mase dgn belajar.. Kdg2 die ckp belajar smpai tau2 da mlm.. Die happy sbb hati aku masih x berubah utk dia sorang.. ERR! aku terasa bersalah sgt.. "Kalau sy da x de, baru awk leh gatal dgn perempuan len tau!" ckp die sambil tergelak2.. Perkataan tu da berjuta kali kot die sebut.. Aku tgok muke die yg lembut tu.. Die bersuara, kalau habis belajar, die nk aku ikat die sebagai tunang.. Pastu die nk kami kerja, kumpul duit byk2 n kahwin then sambung belajar lg.. Beria2 die menceritakan impian die kt aku...
Permainan aku berlarutan sehingga sem yg ke 4...
Pada satu hari ni aku g makan ngn Tiqah mcm biasa... Heboh kampus aku jd tuan rumah untuk satu pertandingan perbahasan antara IPTA. Kebetulan hari ni ulangtahun ke 3 aku ngan Nadia.. Mcm biase aku g mkn ngn Tiqah kt cafe.. Mase Tiqah tgh ambil lauk, aku terniat hati nk cek msj die.. Terhenti jantung aku, berlambak2 msj sorang jantan yg bersayang2 kt inbox dia.. Aku pn angin r.. Mase Tiqah duduk, aku soal2 dia smpai menangis minah tu.. Sebelum ni x terniat pulak aku nk cek.. Tiqah ckp die ttp sygkn aku.. Aku pun mula terfikirkn Nadia.. Tibe2 ade sekumpulan awek dtg kat meja aku time2 gini la pulak.. X lame pastu aku nmpk Nadia.. Aku menelan air liur.. Rupe2nye, Nadia ambil bahagian dalam pertandingan tu.. Bila Tiqah nmpk ramai2 awek tu dtg kt aku, pelik r die.. N dgn kuasa Allah, semua terbongkar pada saat tu.. N Tiqah sendiri mengaku yg dielah awek aku kt depan Nadia.. Aku tgok Nadia menangis.. Die x bercakap sepatah haram perkataan pun.. Cume die berikan aku sekotak hadiah ulangtahun kami sebelum dia tinggalkn aku.. Aku terus putuskan hubungan aku ngn Tiqah.. Mase aku balik hostel, puas aku call Nadia.. Aku hntr msj berlambak2 kt die.. die x reply pn... Aku sedar, die dah benci aku..
Rupanya Nadia masih menerima aku.. Aku happy sgt2.. Aku berjanji x nk kecewakn die lg.. 2 minggu kejadian itu berlalu.. Org2 sekeliling aku mula menjauhkan diri daripada aku.. Nk2 yg member2 perempuan aku la.. Aku dah x kesah da.. Aku dah berubah.. Aku cuma nk dapatkn keputusan yg cemerlang sampai time akhir sem nanti. Aku nk dptkn kerja baik2.. Apa2 pun aku nk ikat Nadia dulu.. Kdg2 aku berasa malu sgt kt Nadia nk2 bila teringatkn mak ayah dia.. Nasib baik die x pergi report kat mak n ayah dia.. hehe.. Dlm tgh syok2 berangan sambil membelek2 kemeja baru hadiah ulangtahun daripadanya mase hari kejadian tu, tibe2 aku dpt msj drpd member Nadia.. "Nadia eksiden!" Ermm.. Hati aku tibe2 jd x sedap.. Msj kedua drp member die smpai lg.. Terasa panas muka aku bile bace msj tu.. "Nadia da X DE.. Die kne langgar ngan kereta mase lintas jln.." Mcm org gila pas aku bace msj tu.. Aku ambil keputusan balik kejap kampung walaupun terpaksa ponteng kelas..
Aku rase kosong.. Kosong sgt.. Teringat gelak tawa die, teringat suara die, muke die yg lawa tu.. Aku menangis dlm bas.. Aku x peduli ngn org2 yg pndg aku.. Kali ni aku betul2 menyalahkan diri aku.. Semua kenangan aku ngan Nadia bermain dlm kepala aku.. Aku xmampu menahan perasaan sedih ni.. Berulang kali aku bace msj terakhir Nadia mlm td.. "Awk, sy nk tido.. Mcm biase, sy sygkn awk utk selamanye walaupun awk da lukekn ati sy, sy maafkn... Tp ingat! Kalau sy x de baru awk leh gatal ngn perempuan len tau! Hehe.. Nk mrh la tu.. Sy leb awk! Sweet dreamz.." Ya Allah! Kuatkn hatiku ni.. Semasa aku sampai, jenazahnya belum tiba lagi.. Ye.. Aku pun terus mencoretkan kisah ini.. Semoga menjadi pengajaran kt korang.. Air mata aku berguguran sepanjang mencoretkan kisah ni.. Tapi aku tau, Nadia x kn kembali da.. X de lg msj Nadia, panggilan Nadia.. X de dah ungkapan "kalau sy x de" tu dah..
Teman2.. Aku mintak sedekahkanlah fatihah utk nya.. Mungkin ada yg memperlekehkn kisah aku ni.. Tp bg aku, inilah kisah yg plg bermakna utk aku.. Utk selamanya aku menyayangi kau, Nurul Nadia bt Zainarruddin..
Mungkin kejap lagi jenazahnya tiba.. Aku nk bersiap2 utk beri penghormatan terakhir buat die yg aku sygi.. Sememangnya cinta die utk aku shgga akhir nafasnya... Aku mampu merelakan pemergiannya... Tabahkn hatiku Ya Allah.... -Al Fatihah.....
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Standards of a Banquet Server
The main standards of a banquet server are to provide prompt and courteous food and beverage service to patrons dining in a formal, or sometimes casual, banquet hall setting. In most cases, a college education is not required to avail a position as a banquet server; however, there are a numerous responsibilities involved in the position, and customer service experience or training is necessary.
Uniform and Appearance
Black and white uniforms are common for banquet servers.
Many establishments will require employees to wear a uniform. Some will provide the company's chosen style of uniforms to banquet servers. Others may require that employees dress in a particular manner uniform with other staff members. Black dress shoes, black slacks and a white button-up shirt are a common example of uniform requirements for banquet servers. Other banquet server standards may include restrictions on jewelry items, tattoo visibility or hairstyles. Banquet servers are expected to be neat and well groomed upon arrival to work.
Physical Requirements
Lifting trays of food is a requirement.
Banquet servers spend a majority of their work hours on their feet. They must be in fairly good physical condition and able to stand and walk for extended periods of time to succeed as a banquet server without physical discomfort. A banquet server will also be required to lift heavy trays or to move items of furniture. The ability to lift a minimum of 20 lbs. or more may be required by many employers.
Banquet Hall Set Up And Tear Down
Moving or arranging tables and chairs may be required.
In some instances, banquet servers may be required to set up a room or banquet hall for a scheduled event. The manager or staff leader will provide a seating chart that corresponds to the patrons needs and number of guests. Adding or moving tables and chairs or rearranging them and removal of such items at the end of the event may be a required duty for the banquet servers servicing the party, conference or meeting.
Setting Tables
Table settings may vary by event.
Properly setting tables for guest service is an important duty that banquet servers are responsible for. Knowledge of stemware, silverware, glass wear and linen service are required to properly set a banquet table. Applying table cloths, folding linen napkins and arranging center pieces or table decor are often a task involved in banquet preparation. Banquet servers are ordinarily briefed by a manager or team leader regarding the event's menu to ensure that tables are set accordingly.
Serving Food and Beverages
Serving drinks--Cocktails and coffee are sometimes served after meals.
Banquet servers are informed prior to the start of the event of what is going to be served and when. In a friendly and efficient manner, banquet servers will deliver items of food, beverages and condiments to guests. Banquet servers are also required to return to the guests' tables frequently to check for any special requests, questions or complaints or to refill water glasses, coffee or other beverages. When serving alcohol, banquet servers may be required to ask patrons to show identification to confirm that guests are of legal drinking age.
Clearing Tables
Clearing tables--a main responsibility
Between courses, banquet servers return to the tables to retrieve empty dishes, glasses and silverware that are no longer needed, leaving only what may be used during the next course. At the completion of the meal, servers are required to clear whatever soiled dishes or items from the tables remain. It is not uncommon for banquet servers to continue serving coffee or cocktails after the meal is completed and the tables are cleared. Banquet servers must then continue to remove empty glasses from tables until the event is over.
Banquet servers will often earn gratuity.
Banquet servers are most often part-time employees and earn an hourly wage plus a commission (or gratuity) that is calculated accordingly to the total billing price of the service provided for the event. Gratuity is generally 15 to 18 percent and divided equally among all staff members who serviced the event. It may vary by establishment and position, but as of May 2010 the average salaries for banquet servers and related positions are as follows: on-call banquet server, $21,000 per year; full-time banquet server, $22,000; and banquet service managers, $47,000 per year.
Uniform and Appearance
Black and white uniforms are common for banquet servers.
Many establishments will require employees to wear a uniform. Some will provide the company's chosen style of uniforms to banquet servers. Others may require that employees dress in a particular manner uniform with other staff members. Black dress shoes, black slacks and a white button-up shirt are a common example of uniform requirements for banquet servers. Other banquet server standards may include restrictions on jewelry items, tattoo visibility or hairstyles. Banquet servers are expected to be neat and well groomed upon arrival to work.
Physical Requirements
Lifting trays of food is a requirement.
Banquet servers spend a majority of their work hours on their feet. They must be in fairly good physical condition and able to stand and walk for extended periods of time to succeed as a banquet server without physical discomfort. A banquet server will also be required to lift heavy trays or to move items of furniture. The ability to lift a minimum of 20 lbs. or more may be required by many employers.
Banquet Hall Set Up And Tear Down
Moving or arranging tables and chairs may be required.
In some instances, banquet servers may be required to set up a room or banquet hall for a scheduled event. The manager or staff leader will provide a seating chart that corresponds to the patrons needs and number of guests. Adding or moving tables and chairs or rearranging them and removal of such items at the end of the event may be a required duty for the banquet servers servicing the party, conference or meeting.
Setting Tables
Table settings may vary by event.
Properly setting tables for guest service is an important duty that banquet servers are responsible for. Knowledge of stemware, silverware, glass wear and linen service are required to properly set a banquet table. Applying table cloths, folding linen napkins and arranging center pieces or table decor are often a task involved in banquet preparation. Banquet servers are ordinarily briefed by a manager or team leader regarding the event's menu to ensure that tables are set accordingly.
Serving Food and Beverages
Serving drinks--Cocktails and coffee are sometimes served after meals.
Banquet servers are informed prior to the start of the event of what is going to be served and when. In a friendly and efficient manner, banquet servers will deliver items of food, beverages and condiments to guests. Banquet servers are also required to return to the guests' tables frequently to check for any special requests, questions or complaints or to refill water glasses, coffee or other beverages. When serving alcohol, banquet servers may be required to ask patrons to show identification to confirm that guests are of legal drinking age.
Clearing Tables
Clearing tables--a main responsibility
Between courses, banquet servers return to the tables to retrieve empty dishes, glasses and silverware that are no longer needed, leaving only what may be used during the next course. At the completion of the meal, servers are required to clear whatever soiled dishes or items from the tables remain. It is not uncommon for banquet servers to continue serving coffee or cocktails after the meal is completed and the tables are cleared. Banquet servers must then continue to remove empty glasses from tables until the event is over.
Banquet servers will often earn gratuity.
Banquet servers are most often part-time employees and earn an hourly wage plus a commission (or gratuity) that is calculated accordingly to the total billing price of the service provided for the event. Gratuity is generally 15 to 18 percent and divided equally among all staff members who serviced the event. It may vary by establishment and position, but as of May 2010 the average salaries for banquet servers and related positions are as follows: on-call banquet server, $21,000 per year; full-time banquet server, $22,000; and banquet service managers, $47,000 per year.
Banquet Service Etiquette
Today's banquets are the contemporary equivalent of ancient feasts, and the goal remains much the same as in medieval times--to gather, to celebrate and perhaps more importantly, to impress. While little of the protocols of professional banquet serving recall the rules of feasts and celebrations of yore, understanding the basic etiquette of banquet serving goes a long way toward the goal of impressing the guests.
Setting Up
1. Even before the first guest arrives, a banquet server's knowledge of etiquette is tested. A fork on the wrong side of the place setting or knife pointed towards the spoon is as noticeable a faux pas as mispronouncing the entree du jour. According the Emily Post Institute, the most recognized authority on matters of etiquette, specific rules govern table setting. Forks should be placed to the right; while knives, then spoons, go to the left of the place setting. Knives should be positioned with the hilt or blade facing toward the center or to the left. Glasses should be placed to the right of the place setting and bread plates to the left of the forks. All should be precisely aligned so that every setting looks exactly the same. Most importantly, every piece on the table should be polished and spotless. The same should be said of a server's appearance and uniform.
Beverage Service
2. "The Encyclopedia of Restaurant Training" by Lora Adruser and Douglas Robert Brown outlines beverage-serving etiquette. Drink service should continue throughout the banquet, with drinks served from the right-hand side of the guest with the server using his right hand, so the open palm and never the back of the server's hand is facing the guest. The guest of honor should be served first, followed by the ladies at the table, oldest to youngest. The gentlemen at the table should then be served, beginning with the most senior member of the party. Finally, the host of the event should be served. It's considered rude to fill half a table's water glasses and return to provide refreshment for the rest of the table.
Food Service
3. Individual caterers and banquet companies may amend the steps of service for speed or convenience, but Adruser and Brown say servers should adhere to certain basic rules. All food, appetizers, salads, entrees and desserts should be served from the guest's left-hand side. The server should use her left hand, palm toward the guest, serving in the same order as beverages were, with the host served last.
Ideally, all courses should be served to all guests in one trip. If this is not possible, then guests at each table, beginning with the guest of honor's table, should be served before food is delivered to the next table. Entree selection or the guests' choice of a main course and special dietary restrictions are generally placed before service begins. If a guest makes the server aware of any changes or restrictions at the table, the server should provide a substitution right away.
4. There is some debate about the proper etiquette for clearing tables between and after courses, but the Emily Post Institute says dishes should be cleared as soon as, but not before, everyone at the table has finished the course. Dishes and used silverware should be cleared from the right-hand side of the guest, with the server using his right hand, and not reaching across the guest or table while clearing. Unused place settings and glassware should also be removed at this time. Once all tables are cleared, it is time to "mise en place" or provide utensils for the next course.
Invisible Service
5. By nature, banquets require what is referred to as "invisible service." Because guests' attentions are expected to be focused elsewhere, menus are often pre-ordered and seating charts are prearranged, leaving guests free to concentrate on awards presentations or wedding toasts. An ideal banquet server is always available, but barely noticed. To this end, professional appearance, posture and behavior goes a long way toward allowing the hosts to truly impress their guests.
How To Prepare for a Banquet Service
Coordinating or putting together a banquet service requires experience, know-how, and physical energy. You need to take note of all the necessary components. You have to be meticulous, as missing one particular item is surely going to affect your entire plan. It could trigger a domino-effect, and everything that you have imagined to be perfect could quickly become chaotic and dreadful. So, if you are pressured to look after the faultless planning, from the exemplary selection of the menu to the impeccable arrangement of the front-of-house service, here are some practical pointers to address:
Study your menu plan. Begin by listing all the dishes you wish to have in your banquet table. You may even draw out two listings. One would enumerate the specialties you could cook by yourself. The other, the selections the caterer could provide for you. If you would opt to create two listings, don’t forget to consolidate them. Your initial listings would simply let you brainstorm for all the possible inclusions.
After your listing is consolidated, review the choices further. How do you want them to be organized on the banquet table? How do you intend to showcase hot and cold dishes? Do you need special setups? Do you have to provide extra utensils and equipments? If organizing the choices becomes tedious, coming up with a “concept” is a good measure to consider. Do you want to serve Indian cuisine? Is an Asian motif feasible? What about some Mediterranean specialties? Once your “concept” is determined, concentrate on the specific items to be put together. Two or three hot dishes would be ideal. Then, match them with five side dishes or salad choices plus two dessert selections. Consider how your guests would be lining up when they partake your dishes. Find ways to avoid overcrowding your table. You should also not overwhelm your dear guests with a lot of choices.
Organize your team. A banquet service is obviously not a one-man job. You need to be helped by the right people. You could pool some of your trusted and dedicated family members, friends, co-workers, or neighbors. Find out who among them are familiar in handling food service. If some of them are already aware of what to do, concentrate on giving instructions to the first-timers. Even if the assigned task is as simple as making coffee for twenty guests or so, you should take time in telling what you expect to accomplish. You don’t want to have the last-minute hassles just because you assumed everything was understood. In the end, if relying to your dearly beloveds is a logistical nightmare, you could always hire professionals. Most of the reputable caterers could readily assemble a catering staff for you. Just be specific with the tasks you need to take care of.
Have the right equipments. Although resourcefulness could solve a lot of things for you, there is no substitute in using the proper equipments. For example, you need to purchase or rent industrial-size cooking pots if you plan to cook for a hundred guests or so. You also need to provide the suitable cutlery and serving utensils if you are aiming for a formal set up.
Bear in mind that despite all your preparation, you should still expect the unexpected. If that happens, keep your cool. The situation would definitely make you more creative. Everything should be all right.
Setting Up
1. Even before the first guest arrives, a banquet server's knowledge of etiquette is tested. A fork on the wrong side of the place setting or knife pointed towards the spoon is as noticeable a faux pas as mispronouncing the entree du jour. According the Emily Post Institute, the most recognized authority on matters of etiquette, specific rules govern table setting. Forks should be placed to the right; while knives, then spoons, go to the left of the place setting. Knives should be positioned with the hilt or blade facing toward the center or to the left. Glasses should be placed to the right of the place setting and bread plates to the left of the forks. All should be precisely aligned so that every setting looks exactly the same. Most importantly, every piece on the table should be polished and spotless. The same should be said of a server's appearance and uniform.
Beverage Service
2. "The Encyclopedia of Restaurant Training" by Lora Adruser and Douglas Robert Brown outlines beverage-serving etiquette. Drink service should continue throughout the banquet, with drinks served from the right-hand side of the guest with the server using his right hand, so the open palm and never the back of the server's hand is facing the guest. The guest of honor should be served first, followed by the ladies at the table, oldest to youngest. The gentlemen at the table should then be served, beginning with the most senior member of the party. Finally, the host of the event should be served. It's considered rude to fill half a table's water glasses and return to provide refreshment for the rest of the table.
Food Service
3. Individual caterers and banquet companies may amend the steps of service for speed or convenience, but Adruser and Brown say servers should adhere to certain basic rules. All food, appetizers, salads, entrees and desserts should be served from the guest's left-hand side. The server should use her left hand, palm toward the guest, serving in the same order as beverages were, with the host served last.
Ideally, all courses should be served to all guests in one trip. If this is not possible, then guests at each table, beginning with the guest of honor's table, should be served before food is delivered to the next table. Entree selection or the guests' choice of a main course and special dietary restrictions are generally placed before service begins. If a guest makes the server aware of any changes or restrictions at the table, the server should provide a substitution right away.
4. There is some debate about the proper etiquette for clearing tables between and after courses, but the Emily Post Institute says dishes should be cleared as soon as, but not before, everyone at the table has finished the course. Dishes and used silverware should be cleared from the right-hand side of the guest, with the server using his right hand, and not reaching across the guest or table while clearing. Unused place settings and glassware should also be removed at this time. Once all tables are cleared, it is time to "mise en place" or provide utensils for the next course.
Invisible Service
5. By nature, banquets require what is referred to as "invisible service." Because guests' attentions are expected to be focused elsewhere, menus are often pre-ordered and seating charts are prearranged, leaving guests free to concentrate on awards presentations or wedding toasts. An ideal banquet server is always available, but barely noticed. To this end, professional appearance, posture and behavior goes a long way toward allowing the hosts to truly impress their guests.
How To Prepare for a Banquet Service
Coordinating or putting together a banquet service requires experience, know-how, and physical energy. You need to take note of all the necessary components. You have to be meticulous, as missing one particular item is surely going to affect your entire plan. It could trigger a domino-effect, and everything that you have imagined to be perfect could quickly become chaotic and dreadful. So, if you are pressured to look after the faultless planning, from the exemplary selection of the menu to the impeccable arrangement of the front-of-house service, here are some practical pointers to address:
Study your menu plan. Begin by listing all the dishes you wish to have in your banquet table. You may even draw out two listings. One would enumerate the specialties you could cook by yourself. The other, the selections the caterer could provide for you. If you would opt to create two listings, don’t forget to consolidate them. Your initial listings would simply let you brainstorm for all the possible inclusions.
After your listing is consolidated, review the choices further. How do you want them to be organized on the banquet table? How do you intend to showcase hot and cold dishes? Do you need special setups? Do you have to provide extra utensils and equipments? If organizing the choices becomes tedious, coming up with a “concept” is a good measure to consider. Do you want to serve Indian cuisine? Is an Asian motif feasible? What about some Mediterranean specialties? Once your “concept” is determined, concentrate on the specific items to be put together. Two or three hot dishes would be ideal. Then, match them with five side dishes or salad choices plus two dessert selections. Consider how your guests would be lining up when they partake your dishes. Find ways to avoid overcrowding your table. You should also not overwhelm your dear guests with a lot of choices.
Organize your team. A banquet service is obviously not a one-man job. You need to be helped by the right people. You could pool some of your trusted and dedicated family members, friends, co-workers, or neighbors. Find out who among them are familiar in handling food service. If some of them are already aware of what to do, concentrate on giving instructions to the first-timers. Even if the assigned task is as simple as making coffee for twenty guests or so, you should take time in telling what you expect to accomplish. You don’t want to have the last-minute hassles just because you assumed everything was understood. In the end, if relying to your dearly beloveds is a logistical nightmare, you could always hire professionals. Most of the reputable caterers could readily assemble a catering staff for you. Just be specific with the tasks you need to take care of.
Have the right equipments. Although resourcefulness could solve a lot of things for you, there is no substitute in using the proper equipments. For example, you need to purchase or rent industrial-size cooking pots if you plan to cook for a hundred guests or so. You also need to provide the suitable cutlery and serving utensils if you are aiming for a formal set up.
Bear in mind that despite all your preparation, you should still expect the unexpected. If that happens, keep your cool. The situation would definitely make you more creative. Everything should be all right.
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